New vs. Old Hook
With the new IMO regulation MSC.1391/Circ.1 all non compliant hook systems need to be replaced in the first scheduled dry docking after July 1, 2014.
FRP Foundation Construction
We have the expertise to modify existing lifeboat FRP structures, as per manufacturer guidelines, to install and accommodate new compliant hook systems.
New Hook on FRP Foundation
Once a FRP foundation is constructed, then the new compliant hook system can be satisfactorily installed.
New Hook Inspection
Our service engineer conducting final sanity checks after a new compliant hook system is installed on the lifeboat.
Lifeboat Load Test
Lifeboat is load tested after the hook retrofit to ensure the system has been installed and is functioning properly.
New Hook on SS Foundation
We have the capability and experience in fabricating stainless steel hook foundation plates as per existing lifeboat and new hook structural requirements.