INERGEN Clean Agent Systems
Inergen Clean Agent Systems have been extensively used throughout the world as a preferred gaseous fire suppression agent for over 16 years and remains the longest surviving Halon replacement on the market.
INERGEN is a mixture of 52% Nitrogen, 40% Argon, and 8% CO2. It has a unique ability to rapidly extinguish fire and yet provide a safe environment for any person within the occupied area. INERGEN agent does not produce fog, so escape routes remain visible, and they do not take up premium floor space as the cylinders can be placed remotely from the protected risk.
SAPPHIRE Clean Agent Systems
The SAPPHIRE Clean Agent System quickly suppresses fire in areas where an electrically non-conductive medium is required and where electronic systems cannot be shut down in an emergency.
The SAPPHIRE system uses 3M Novec 1230 fire protection fluid for total flooding applications. The clear, colorless agent has zero ozone depletion potential, an atmospheric lifetime of just five days, and a global warming potential of 1.0. The SAPPHIRE system suppresses a fire before it can be fully engaged and once the fire is suppressed, Novec 1230 quickly evaporates without harming any valuable assets.

FM 200 Clean Agent Systems
FM200 is a clean, gaseous agent containing no particles or oily residues. It is thermally and chemically stable and does not deplete stratospheric ozone.
The main advantage of FM200 fire suppression is that a small amount of the agent is required to suppress a fire. This means fewer cylinders, and therefore less wasted space. FM200 systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical and flammable liquid fire before they cause significant damage.
Dry Chemical Powder Skids
Dry Chemical Skid Systems combine the flexibility of hand portable fire extinguishers with the power to knock down large Class B and Class C fire. Featuring large agent capacity and long discharge time, this system offers the chance to use only the amount of agent necessary to suppress the fire. Plus, the tremendous dry chemical flow rate provides the power needed to fight three-dimensional fire and pressurized gas/liquid fire.
Available in capacities of 50 to 3,000 lb (22.7 to 1360.8 kg), the system is especially effective in areas where hand portable and wheeled extinguishers may not typically provide sufficient capacity. Additional features such as long range nozzles, remote actuation, selector valve assembly, and turret assemblies can be used along with the basic system to increase adaptability.

Twin Agent Skids
Twin-Agent Fire Suppression Systems combine the fast flame knockdown of dry chemical with the fire securing capabilities of aqueous film-forming foam. The twin-agent attack provides the most effective extinguishing and securing capability known for many flammable liquid fire. Industries that benefit most from the system include petroleum and petrochemical, marine, natural gas, and aviation.
Twin-Agent Systems combine two proven, powerful agents: dry chemical powder and foam. The powder provides rapid knockdown and suppression of flammable liquid fire, while the aqueous film-forming foam blankets the fuel with a thin film, preventing the escape of flammable vapors and cooling the site.
CO2 Systems
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, and chemically inert gas that is both readily available and electrically non-conductive. It supresses fire without leaving behind any residues after discharge, thus avoiding damage to sensitive equipment.
CO2 has a high rate of expansion and it extinguishes fire primarily by lowering the level of oxygen that supports combustion. Therefore, CO2 systems are used normally in unoccupied hazard locations.
CO2 suppression systems utilize the gas through a total flooding approach or local fire protection applications. CO2 maybe stored in either high pressure spin steel cylinders or low pressure light wall refrigerated tanks.

Deluge Valves and Systems
Deluge systems are designed to protect high hazard areas containing a severe fuel hazard with high heat release rate bringing a large number of open sprayers into action simultaneously in the event of a fire.
A typical Deluge valve system comprises of a control valve, a sprinkler operated detection system and a dedicated water supply system. Deluge valves are hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, globe or angle pattern valve that control the water flow in the fire protection sprinkler system.
Intelligent Fire Alarm Systems
In larger, more complex buildings more sophisticated ‘intelligent’ fire alarm systems need to be used. These systems offer benefits in speed of detection, identification of the location of a fire and easier maintenance. Intelligent systems also offer improved maintenance and reduced cabling cost.
These systems comprise a complex set of equipment which include, heat detectors, smoke detectors, manual call points, control and relay modules, fault isolator modules, monitor modules, control panels, visual / audible alarms, strobes, etc.

Foam Water Hose Reel Stations
The Foam Water Hose Reel Station (FWHR) is a self contained unit that relies on water flow and pressure to place the system into operation. It is designed to be installed in a fixed location such as helidecks, offshore processing areas to control fire or spills of flammable or combustible liquids.
Hose reels have a distinct advantage that they can be opened immediately and put to use. All that is required for operation is to fill the storage tank with correct type and quantity of foam concentrate and connect a suitable water source to the inlet.
Water / Foam Monitors
Foam monitors are high capacity jets, controlling horizontal and vertical flow, that can be used to deliver large quantities of foam accurately to the affected area in the shortest possible time and from a safe distance.
Nozzles attached to foam monitors can also be adjusted to adapt the foam agent flow from fog or wide beam to jet or straight beam to increase the flexibility to the user. Monitors motion can be controlled automatically using water oscillators, electrically using joysticks, or manually using tiller bars or housewheels.

Sprinkler Systems
Sprinkler systems are one of the oldest fire suppression systems still in use today. It consists of a water supply system which provides adequate pressure and flow to a water distribution system onto which the fire sprinklers are connected. Various types of fire sprinkler systems include Pre-action, Dry Pipe, Wet Pipe, Deluge, etc. We at SHM can offer the complete range of sprinkler systems that can meet your specific requirements.
Water Mist Systems
Water Mist is a versatile and highly efficient fire-fighting medium. It has the unique ability to deliver water as a fine atomised mist. This mist quickly gets converted to steam that smothers the fire and prevents further oxygen from reaching it.
The effectiveness of a water mist system depends on its spray characteristics, which include the droplet size distribution, flux density, spray dynamics, etc. Immediate action, minimized water damage, non-toxicity are few advantages of a water mist system.

UL Listed Portable Fire Extinguishers
We offer a wide range of UL listed, USCG approved, Wheelmark approved Fire Extinguishers. We are an authorized distributor and service partner of ANSUL, a premium brand of Tyco Fire Suppression & Building products. We offer the full line of ANSUL’s stored pressure, cartridge operated, wheeled, and clean agent, and special kitchen/restaurant portable fire extinguishers.